A Journey of Hope

A Journey of Hope
In the midst of political unrest in Guatemala, Freedom Initiative International remains committed to their mission of showing love, providing basic needs, and sharing the Gospel with at-risk groups. They have exciting initiatives lined up for 2024, including welcoming teams from the United States to work on special projects like stove installations and provision of bunk beds and food baskets. They will also focus on personal development programs, facilitating English classes, offering welding school, and introducing a fitness class to promote holistic health and fitness. Their vision for the future is the establishment of the Freedom Center, a hub for education, empowerment, and freedom. They will keep supporters updated on their progress and are grateful for prayers and involvement.

(Source: https://exampleblog.com/guatemala-mission-update)

Civil Unrest-A Call to Prayer

Civil Unrest-A Call to Prayer
As of this writing, Guatemala is currently experiencing ongoing civil unrest with protests demanding the removal of certain people in governmental power due to corruption. The country has seen blockades on major highways, leading to food and fuel shortages, minimized public transportation, and the closure of many businesses. Despite the challenges, the Long family, who are safe and doing well, have been engaging in online meetings, checking on people, and providing groceries to those in need. They have witnessed peaceful and even comical moments during the protests, such as blockades made with bright yellow flowers and protestors asking motorists to dance in order to pass. While the situation remains uncertain and chaotic, the Longs emphasize their trust in God and invite others to join them in prayer for Guatemala and the world.

A Week of Blessings: Cornerstone Church Anahuac's Journey in Guatemala

A Week of Blessings: Cornerstone Church Anahuac's Journey in Guatemala
Cornerstone Church Anahuac recently embarked on a mission trip to Guatemala with Freedom Initiative International, and it was a week filled with heartwarming moments and community outreach. One of the highlights was the installation of 18 Rocket Stoves, providing warmth and reducing health risks for a total of 300 families in El Rosario. They also distributed Bibles, as well as, care packages for pregnant women, ensuring both physical and spiritual support. Additionally, the team worked with Provee to provide food bags and prayed with 50 families. The trip also included attending local church services and experiencing the natural beauty of Guatemala. This mission trip exemplified the impact of faith-based initiatives and the love of Christ in bringing education and basic needs to vulnerable communities. Stay tuned for more updates on Freedom Initiative International's important work.

The Vital Importance of Detoxifying Your Body

The Vital Importance of Detoxifying Your Body
In today's fast-paced world, there is an increasing need to prioritize detoxification as our bodies are exposed to various toxins and pollutants. Detoxification is the natural process of eliminating harmful substances from our bodies, and it involves the liver, kidneys, colon, skin, and lymphatic system. By regularly detoxifying, we can boost our immune system, enhance digestive health, manage weight, improve mental clarity, balance hormones, achieve radiant skin, and increase energy levels. There are several ways to support our body's natural detox processes, including maintaining a clean diet, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, using sauna and steam baths, and considering supplements like this Detox Box. Prioritizing detoxification is a proactive step towards achieving optimal health and well-being in today's toxin-filled world. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any rigorous detox program to ensure safety and suitability for individual needs.

Copy Cat Pho without MSG!

I found a copy cat, at home version of Pho! Ty and I absolutely fell in love with Pho 🍲 (feels warm and comforting to me!), however, we don’t have much love for the MSG that comes with it. 

This was super simple to whip up with some broth (if you have bone broth, even better!), veggies, chicken and these noodles! Next time I will have green onion, some sprouts and mushrooms too! 

I am sure I will switch it up! Which reminds me, I didn’t use a recipe. I threw everything in a pot and dumped way too much red pepper flakes, sooooo, if you’re looking for a good recipe, try the recipe below. 

Tyson is complete opposite of me and wants to know exactly how much to use and looks at me crazy when I tell him I just pour until the Holy Spirit stops me 😂🤣: 

Here’s that recipe 👉🏻RAMAN RECIPE

Ok, on a side note, besides the headaches Ty experiences, here are a few other reasons why we choose to reconsider foods with MSG when possible. Take a peek HERE and HERE.

We won’t be able to keep from eating MSG for the rest of our lives and neither will you.  It’s in nearly everything commercially produced, and, yes, it’s even in the Lord’s chicken.  We can, however, reduce consumption of it and enjoy this alternative more often at home, literally, without the headache that comes with it. 😜

I LOVE food hacks, don’t you?! What’s your favorite Pho recipe??